Monday, October 7, 2013

Social Media

Social Media:
Twitter: @CarnageVMR
Instagram: DacarnageVMR
Facebook: Victor Reaux

I'm apart of so many! I currently check on the regular: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Vine, and Tumblr. I think I prefer Twitter the most. Facebook isn't very much appealing to me as once was; but Twitter, the immediate interaction you can have with people you know, famous people and important people is really neat. It's funny that Yahoo! mentions not screwing up Tumblr, because I knew exactly what people were afraid of. People hate change, and the way Tumblr is with its niche' groups and images, people would not like the direction it would go in if Yahoo! decided to change some things. I have to agree to, I totally understand. Tumblr is awesome for what it is, blogging\imaging and interacting with others while you do it.

Virtual words are imaginary words that you can participate in with other people, sort of like an imaginary computer environment. Some examples of virtual worlds include: Second Life, World of Warcraft, League of Legends, other MMORPGS, etc. They can be used for a variety of things like playing games or as illustrated in the CNN Business article (Second Life Virtual Collaboration) it was used to have business articles! Virtual worlds are extremely neat, and definitely have a place in the future.  If I could have one thing in my own virtual world it would be the ability to do what ever it is I wanted to. If I had an imaginary Chicago like setting in my virtual world, I'd want to be able to teleport anywhere in the city. That would make bar-hopping extremely fun.

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